Fantasy Maps Podcast
The one and only podcast about fantasy maps with @filipsersik and @treepainter
We blabber about maps with other members of the cartography scene for hours on end and venture out to fantastic worlds in search of treasure chests and legendary gear drops. With a precise unpredictability you can expect an episode every sometime, where we break down the works and lives of our map-making colleagues so you have something to listen to as you bring your drawings to life.
Here be dragons 🐉

Episode #6: Chloe a.k.a. @chloethecartographer
This episode we dive in to the realms of dragons and mythical beasts and how they can be used in the not-so-fantastical contemporary world entangled by processes. Karin is a long-time cartographer who managed to sneak a great deal of her mapping creativity into her professional career.

Episode #5: Karin Höijer a.k.a. @karin_hoijer
This episode we dive in to the realms of dragons and mythical beasts and how they can be used in the not-so-fantastical contemporary world entangled by processes. Karin is a long-time cartographer who managed to sneak a great deal of her mapping creativity into her professional career.

Episode #4: Rodney Elliot a.k.a. @wyrmwoodmaps
When you read a story, you’re taking the reader by the hand and showing them your world. Give them a map and they are free to go wherever they want. To quote our fourth guest, Rodney Elliot of @wyrmwoodmaps — a master storyteller, who spent over 30 years building his fantastic world of Ithia. We dive into his creative process and explore the ways to tell stories through maps. Leander & Filip get inaugurated into the Guild of Free Cartographers and talk about the life devoted to storytelling through the art of a map.

Episode #3: Paul Duvall a.k.a. @ways.unseen
In this episode we bring back the good ol’ Micron pens and share the story of inktober-to-master-cartographer Paul. We talk all about the classic top-down dungeon maps, doodley cities as well as Leander’s favourite isometrics and working with unusual perspectives. Our guest also gives us, the TTRPG rookies, a walkthrough of the classic gaming systems and solo dungeon crawlers which he also talks about on his ever growing YouTube channel.

Episode #2: Scott Mayfield a.k.a.
In this episode we chat with veteran cartographer & world-builder Scott Mayfield about his work with Atlassian & Valiantys, using Inkarnate as well as diving deeper in personal artistic expressions. We briefly touch on specifics of drawing and developing personal style, creative process, inspirations for our works as well as some practical advice for working with clients on commission. Last but not least we do some name dropping of other industry icons like Map Effects and discuss Scott’s big project show — Kram!

Episode #1: The Intro
This is a very first episode of the Fantasy Maps Podcast where you can meet your hosts Leander (@treepainter) & Filip (@filipsersik). We are discussing our brackground stories, the goals of the podcast and surprisingly — maps.